How to Write Incredibly Well Like Socrates: 20 Tips for Captivating Your Readers

Irfanulla Shariff
8 min readApr 28, 2024

From Ancient Philosophy to Modern Communication: Writing Lessons from Socrates

How to Write Incredibly Well Like Socrates
How to Write Incredibly Well Like Socrates

Writing that captivates and engages readers requires more than just skill with words; it demands an understanding of how to provoke thought, stimulate curiosity, and inspire action. Few figures in history embody this art of communication as profoundly as the ancient philosopher Socrates. Renowned for his Socratic method and timeless wisdom, Socrates’ approach to dialogue and inquiry offers valuable insights for writers seeking to connect with their audience on a deeper level.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into 20 tips inspired by Socrates’ philosophy and methods, exploring how you can apply them to your writing to attract more followers, likes, and readership.

1. Question Everything

Socrates was a master at challenging assumptions and probing deeper into the nature of truth and knowledge. Start your writing by posing thought-provoking questions that invite readers to reflect and engage critically with your content. For example, instead of simply stating facts or arguments, begin with questions like “What is the essence of happiness?” or “How do we define justice?”



Irfanulla Shariff

Poet, Storyteller, Author, Researcher, Photographer, and Performer. Published my work in American magazines, anthologies & blogs.